Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
Spam Policy
The ICF Member Directory and CCF are intended to be used as a tool for potential coaching clients and ICF Members to connect with other ICF Members. The Directory is not to be used to promote or market products and/or services to ICF Members.
In order to protect our affiliates privacy, ICF will immediately refer these actions to our legal counsel; ICF expressly reserves all rights to take further action against those who violate our user agreement.
FTC indicates that the CAN-SPAM Act provides that “harvesting email addresses” is a violation of the Act that can give rise to criminal penalties, including imprisonment. Harvesting email addresses via unauthorized access to and use of email addresses secured from the ICF database and using those emails addresses to issue primarily commercial messages is a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act and subjects the sender to both significant civil fines ($16,000 per email) and criminal penalties.
The qualifications of coaches listed, and the information provided is not verified by ICF in any way. Individuals utilizing this database are urged to take reasonable steps to verify the qualifications of any potential coach. By utilizing the ICF Directories, you agree to hold ICF harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your using the information provided and agree to adhere to the ICF Spam Policy and any other spam regulations that may apply.
Member/coach contact information included on ICF’s website is not posted for the purpose of promoting/marketing products/services to coaches. It is primarily posted for the purpose of allowing potential clients of a coach to connect with a coach. All other email and electronic communications with members should adhere to the following principles:
You should have a prior relationship with the person receiving your email. (Someone giving you their business card is acceptable in this regard, as it implies permission to get in contact. The same is true if someone has sent you an email.)
A valid “from” and “reply to” address must be included with each message.
If you have a subscription list, you should send a confirmation email that the person wishes to be on the list. -
There should always be a quick way to unsubscribe from any mail list.
Any request to cease mailing from an individual or organization should be quickly honored.
A complaint involving a breach of this policy may be considered a violation of the ICF Code of Ethics, and therefore referred to the Independent Review Board for their consideration. Should they find a breach occurred, remedies may be required. Sanctions may also be imposed such as suspending or terminating the coach’s membership and/or credential with the ICF.
Please note that spam laws and regulations above and beyond ICF’s policies may apply to commercial electronic messages sent to individuals who have elected to list their contact information on the ICF website.
expand your global experience by coaching and being coached
expand your global experience by coaching and being coached

Build a High-Performing Organization through
Internal Coaches
The Value of A Coaching Culture
in Organizations
ความสำคัญของวัฒนธรรมการโค้ชในองค์กรต่าง ๆ
A coaching culture is proven to be one of the most effective ways to increase employee engagement, enhance collaboration, achieve change management success, and improve both employee and team performance.
วัฒนธรรมการโค้ช พิสูจน์แล้วว่าเป็นหนึ่งแนวทางที่มีประสิทธิผลที่สุดเพื่อเพิ่มการมีส่วนร่วมของพนักงาน เพิ่มความ
ร่วมไม้ร่วมมือ บรรลุความสำเร็จในเรื่องการนำเพื่อความเปลี่ยนแปลง และพัฒนาผลงานของพนักงานและทีม

Coaching Culture strengthens organization in challenging times
วัฒนธรรมการโค้ช เสริมความแข็งแกร่งให้กับองค์กร
A strong coaching culture is correlated with most of the indicators of a high-performing organization including success at large- scale strategic change, according to the 2018 HCI and ICF Building a Coaching Culture for Change Management Study.
วัฒนธรรมการโค้ชที่แข็งแรงสัมพันธ์กับเครื่องชี้วัดองค์กรที่มีผลงานสูงเป็นส่วนใหญ่ ซึ่งบางส่วนได้แก่ ความสำเร็จในการเปลี่ยนแปลงเชิงกลยุทธที่เห็นผลในวงกว้าง (จากงานศึกษาร่วมกันของ HCI และ ICF เรื่อง Building a Coaching Culture for Change Management Study ในปี 2018)
More so, because coaching is tailored to the needs of the individual employee, team or work group, coaching-related activities were rated as the most helpful in achieving the goals of change management initiatives.
นอกจากที่กล่าวมาแล้ว การโค้ชยังปรับแต่งตามความต้องการของพนักงานแต่ละคน ทีมหรือคณะทำงาน กิจกรรมต่าง ๆ ที่เกี่ยวเนื่องกับการโค้ชถูกประเมินว่ามีประโยชน์อย่างยิ่งต่อการบรรลุเป้าหมายเกี่ยวกับการริเริ่มเพื่อนำความเปลี่ยนแปลง

Integrating a
Coaching Culture
A growing number of organizations recognize the value in building a coaching culture that offers employees at all levels the opportunity to grow their skills,
enhance their value and reach their professional goals.
มีองค์กรจำนวนมากขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ซึ่งรับรู้ถึงคุณค่าของการสร้างวัฒนธรรมการโค้ชซึ่งมอบโอกาสแก่พนักงานเพื่อ
พัฒนาทักษะ เสริมคุณค่าตนเอง และก้าวสู่เป้าหมายในอาชีพการงาน

Find more evidences about why integrating Coaching Culture to your organization
is critical to success.
ICF Coaching in Organizations aims to inspire and enable organizations by providing gold standards to continually develop their coaching capacity and capability as
a mindset, skill set and ultimately an integral part of their culture.
ICF Coaching in Organizations มุ่งบันดาลใจและทำให้องค์กรต่าง ๆ ส่งมอบมาตรฐานเพื่อพัฒนาทรัพยากรและขีดความสามารถในเรื่องการโค้ชของตนเอง มองการโค้ชเป็นทัศนคติ ชุดของทักษะ